How To Develop a Feedback Cycle with Forms and OneNote

Have you felt frustrated when your students don’t take the time to read and respond to your feedback? Yep, me too!

In this quick post, with an accompanying video, I explain how you can develop a feedback cycle using both MS Forms and OneNote to overcome this problem.

As much of my teaching and assessment is now digital I make use of OneNote all the time. In fact, apart from Yr 11 mock exams, I think I marked one piece of work on paper last term and that was a formal assessment!

“To ease the marking load further I frequently use MS Forms for quizzes, low stakes assessments and for retrieval practice. “

Everything else is marked digitally, with my students either handwriting their work on paper and then taking an image of it and inserting it into OneNote, writing directly on to their iPads or tablets with the amazing digital inking features in OneNote, or by typing their responses. An increasing number of my students also use the dictation function as well.

To ease the marking load further I frequently use MS Forms for quizzes, low stakes assessments and for retrieval practice.

However, one of the things I found irritating was that after students had taken their quiz in MS Forms and I had marked it, they rarely returned to the original quiz to view my feedback and to act upon it.

Whilst there is a way to see their feedback by returning to the quiz via clicking on the link students were originally given, I found that this is not something that students did of their own volition, or even know about. Therefore I had to find a way in which I could ensure that the time that I had taken to give feedback to my students was not wasted and equally that learning opportunities for the students were not lost. Enter OneNote!

How to return a marked quiz to students in OneNote?

Having finished marking and providing feedback for your students in a quiz you then print the quiz to OneNote on the desktop app. You select the appropriate section and student’s name in the relevant Class Notebook and print the quiz to this location. (See the video below to learn exactly how to do this).

My classes have a section called Retrieval Practice in their Class Notebook which is where I print their quizzes. After they have taken a quiz, they know to access this section, to read my feedback and then respond to it, either by typing, writing (digital inking) or by inserting a voice note. I can then easily access their responses, either during the lesson or at a time which is convenient to me, to see or listen to how they have responded to my feedback.

With this method, you are able to identify whole class and individual misconceptions and gaps in knowledge and reteach these points, if necessary. You can then build those topics into future retrieval practice quizzes in MS Forms. In this way, you develop a feedback cycle which assists students on their learning journey.

If you’d like to find out more about how to use MS Forms for teaching, learning and assessment you might find this useful.

As always, I’be be grateful for your comments and thoughts about this article. Thanks.

BTEC Sport Unit 22: How do organisations in the sport and active leisure industry develop and market their businesses?


Activity 3 of the Unit 22 BTEC Sport (Investigating Business in Sport and the Active Leisure Industry) external assessment requires students to make recommendations about how the case study business could develop and market itself.

Pearson, the exam board for BTEC Sport, defines marketing as “the process that SAL businesses use to market their products to reach their customers and meet their needs and expectations.”

So how can we, as teachers, help our students with this?

We are going to look at traditional and digital marketing and ways in which businesses in the competitive marketplace of the sport and active leisure industry (SAL) might use different marketing approaches in order to enhance brand, product or service awareness.

The types of marketing strategies and tactics adopted depend upon the type, size, scope, age and intention of the business and its competition. This in turn would inform the different types of marketing strategies that are used. A sole trader, partnership, or small business such as a personal fitness trainer (e.g. 10 Years Younger) is unlikely to adopt the same approaches to their marketing campaign as a national or multinational organisation (e.g. David LLoyd’s). 

Businesses of all types and sizes need to consider the cost implications of marketing, whether their message will hit their target market, and how effective their message will be in terms of return on investment through increased sales, membership, customers, revenue, etc. 

Pearson, the exam board for BTEC Sport, defines marketing as “the process that SAL businesses use to market their products to reach their customers and meet their needs and expectations.”

What are some of the ways that SAL businesses might do that?

Traditional marketing versus digital marketing.

What is traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing includes promoting the SAL using television, radio and the printed press such as newspapers, magazines, posters and flyers. There are advantages and disadvantages to using these traditional marketing approaches. 

Marketing using television has the advantage of reaching an extremely large audience. National and local radio also has the advantage of having a potentially large audience and is less expensive than television. Featured articles in specialist newspapers and magazines are less expensive than television and radio and also have the potential of reaching a large readership. Posters in the local community have the advantage of being seen by a large number of the general public, and flyers, which are pamphlets posted directly into peoples’ houses, are relatively cheap and also provide a potentially large coverage of the business’s message.

One of the main disadvantages of using traditional marketing methods is expense. Advertising on television can be extremely expensive and is usually prohibitively so for small and medium sized businesses which are local or even national. Radio advertising can also be costly although not as expensive as advertising on TV. The disadvantage of articles in newspapers and magazines is that there is often a long lead time from creating the content to having it edited and then published, which means that businesses may miss out on ‘striking while the iron is hot’ and not responding quickly to trends in the industry and meeting customers’ needs and expectations.

Added to these disadvantages, traditional marketing is often unable to focus on the specific target market of the SAL with this more generalized approach. This means that the marketing approach may not be as effective in comparison to newer types of marketing. Although posters and flyers may have a wide reach, they also may not speak directly to the intended target audience or demographic, which again can lead to an ineffective marketing approach.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing includes marketing activity that takes place online, for example on a business’s website, on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, in blogs and by email.

What are the advantages of digital marketing over traditional marketing?

There is still a place for traditional marketing for some large national or multinational businesses, e.g. see David Lloyd’s TV ad here. However, digital marketing has two main benefits over traditional marketing.

  1. It allows the SAL business to reach its target market with a greater degree of accuracy. SAL businesses can position themselves according to the online behaviours of their demographic. For example, if a female personal fitness trainer who specialises in fitness classes for new mums wants to attract new clients, she could create content and have an online presence where new mums spend their time online, on Facebook or Instagram for example. If the SAL business has the email of current and potential clients, direct email marketing can be also extremely effective.
  1. As well as being cheap (sometimes free), it is relatively quick and easy for an SAL business to create content and publish to its target market. This means that information about promotions, sales, forthcoming and recent activities and events can be conveyed in ‘real time’ allowing businesses to respond to changing trends in the industry or perhaps even to become trend setters as well as acting quickly to meet the needs and expectations of their customers.

Is there a difference between content marketing and paid marketing in the digital space?

Paid marketing is where a business pays an organisation such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube or Google to advertise their products or services in the online space. Whilst businesses may be better able to reach their specific target audience with paid advertising, there is still a cost implication here which may be prohibitive to many small, local businesses.

The alternative is content marketing, sometimes referred to as organic marketing.

Organic marketing is marketing which is free or costs very little money. It consists of content that businesses create themselves and which they publish in the digital space, for example blogs and articles on their website, posts on Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, videos uploaded on YouTube and podcasts on platforms such as Spotify, etc. 

One of the main purposes of organic marketing is not only to increase awareness of the business but also to increase awareness of its services or products through gaining exposure via growth online, (think retweets and readers liking and sharing posts, videos and blogs with their friends, family or colleagues). It can also be a very effective way to retain current customers and attract new ones.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of organic marketing is that, provided small and medium sized businesses have the time and know how to create and publish their content, satisfied customers do the work for them – talking about their positive experiences through the digital version of ‘word of mouth’, thus enhancing a business’s reputation and helping it to grow or perhaps even become the market leader.

Coupled with this, one of the best ways to promote a SAL business is through testimonials and social proof.

Testimonials and evidence of a strong track record, whether that might be excellent customer service or offering fabulous value for money, develops trust and confidence in the market place and with potential new customers.

This means that customers leave a starred rating and write a positive review about their experience. It is important for the SAL business to encourage customers to leave reviews if they have had a positive experience and would recommend the service to others. Testimonials and evidence of a strong track record, whether that might be excellent customer service or offering fabulous value for money, develops trust and confidence in the market place and with potential new customers.

Businesses could offer incentives for satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on social media by offering to put them into a prize draw or to have a discounted price the next time they use their service. 

What about market research?

Market research is also really important. This means that organisations obtain information from customers about specific areas of their business with tailored questions. This could be to find out the satisfaction of the current business provision or it could be to discover what customers would like to see improved or any new offerings that the business could make.

It is important to listen to the needs and expectations of the customer and to identify any frustrations and concerns they have about the business. Once businesses know about these, they can solve those issues, improve on them as well as introduce new ideas that customers have suggested. The importance of market research should not be underestimated.

In summary

  • There is still a place for traditional marketing for some SAL businesses. It can reach wide audiences, but can be expensive and does not always speak to the SAL’s target market.
  • Digital marketing has the potential to reach the SAL’s target market and demographic more effectively. It is less expensive, if not free.
  • Content or organic marketing is an effective way to increase awareness of the SAL business as well as its products and services. This is a good option for small and medium sized businesses.
  • Testimonials and social proof are among the very best ways for SAL organisations to promote and develop their businesses.
  • Market research allows the SAL business to meet the needs and expectations of the customer.

Feel free to download this article as a PDF to use in your teaching of marketing with your students.

It would be great to hear what you think of this post and how you use it for teaching. If you found it useful please leave a review – after all, one of the best ways of promotion is through testimonials and social proof! Thanks.

Do your students know how to tackle the external assessment? This might help!

OneNote ClassNotebook ‘How To’ Guide


Very happy to share this guide on using OneNote ClassNotebook which I created for colleagues. Please feel free to download and use in your setting.

How To Add a Section

Select the section in which you want the new section to appear. For example, if you want to add a new section to the Content Library, make sure the Content Library is selected. Click the purple Add Section text at the bottom of the Section pane. Name the section and click OK. The new section will appear.

How To Add A Page

Select the section you want the new page to appear in. In the Page pane, click Add Page at the bottom of the pane. The new, untitled page will appear.

How To Name a Page

Type in the name of your page at the top of the main canvas. The name of the page will appear in the pages pane.

How To Add Text to a Page

Click anywhere under the title to start typing on the page. Type away and edit as you would normally using the MS ribbon and tool bar. To reposition the text, hover your cursor over the top of the text box, using the crosshair icon drag the text box to your desired position.

How To Add an Image

Click on the page. Click the INSERT tab. Click PICTURE. Choose where you want to get your image from. Follow the onscreen instructions to get your image. Click INSERT. You can resize and reposition your picture on the page. Resize the picture by clicking on it. Drag handles will appear, use these to resize your image. You can move your image by hovering the mouse on the top of the image. The cursor will change to cross hairs, use these to drag the image to the desired position.

How To Add a Video from (YouTube, Flipgrid, Vimeo)

Find the video (on YouTube, Flipgrid) you want to put on the page. On YouTube, click the SHARE button. Copy the video URL address. Go back to OneNote, click the page and paste in the address. Press the RETURN key on your keyboard. Your video is right there in OneNote, ready to play! You can reposition it by following the steps above. (See Add an image).

How To Add Audio (using a PC – mic needed or laptop)

If you are using a PC, click on the Class Notebook page. CLICK the INSERT tab. Click the Audio icon. If you have a microphone connected to your PC you can start speaking straight away to add your audio / spoken feedback or instructions. Click the STOP icon when you have finished speaking.

How To Add Audio (using the iPad)

On the iPad, tap the INSERT tab and then tap the page to activate the icons. Tap the audio icon and start speaking straight to record your spoken feedback / instructions. Tap STOP RECORDING when you have finished speaking.

How To Add an Attachment

Click on the page. Click INSERT. Click FILE. Click INSERT AS ATTACHMENT. Follow the onscreen instructions to get your file. Click INSERT. Your file will appear as an icon (e.g., a Word icon) on the page. N.B. When a student clicks on the icon, the document will open in a new window.

How To Add a Printout

Click on the page. Click INSERT. Click FILE. Click INSERT FILE PRINTOUT. Follow the onscreen instructions to get your file. Click INSERT. Your document will appear in full on the page. Best practice is to save your documents as PDFs before inserting them as file printouts. Tip: This works well with PowerPoint decks, but you will lose any interactivity. They should be Set As Background so that students can annotate them. (See ‘How To Ensure Students Can Write On or Type Over Documents’ below).

How To Add a Link to a Website

Click on the page. Click INSERT. Click LINK. In the pop-up window, add the URL address of the website and give it a name in the display text box. Click INSERT. When students click on the link they will be directed to the website. N.B. The website will open a new window.

How To Add a Webpage (using Apple Pencil)

On your iPad ensure the Apple Pencil settings are set to LEFT CORNER SWIPE – SCREENSHOT – ON. Go to Settings – Apple Pencil to activate this setting. Navigate to the website you want to add to the OneNote page. Swipe your Apple Pencil from the bottom left-hand corner to the middle of the screen. Next, tap Full Page at the top of the screen. Now tap the export icon (the square with the arrow pointing out of the top). Drag the app icons across to find the OneNote icon. Tap on it and choose which Notebook and section you want to send the webpage to. Title the page and then tap send. At the desired location, touch and hold the icon and then tap Printout to see the entire webpage on the OneNote canvas.

How To Distribute Pages to Students

Make sure you are in / on the page you want to distribute to your students. Click on CLASS NOTEBOOK on the ribbon at the top of the Notebook. Click on DISTRIBUTE PAGE. To distribute a page to all your students, click on DISTRIBUTE PAGE from the drop-down menu. In the pane on the right-hand side, select the student section you want to distribute the page to. Click the purple DISTRIBUTE page. The page will then be distributed to all students and will be in the designated section in their Notebook. (NB. This may take a little while – be patient!).

To distribute a page to one student, follow the same procedure above, but select INDIVIDUAL DISTRIBUTION instead of DISTRIBUTE PAGE from the drop-down menu.

How To Create Subsections within Sections

To create a subsection in the section pane, click on Class Notebook then Distribute New Section, then click on Distribute New Section Group. Name the new section group in the box provided and then name the new section (sub section). You can add multiple new sections by clicking + Section. Then click DISTRIBUTE. The new section group and subsections are distributed to all students. N.B. The new section group is not added to the Content Library nor the Teacher Only section.

How To Change Students’ Names from Their School Code

This needs to be done in the desk top app, currently Windows 10. On your PC, type OneNote into the search bar in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Click on the OneNote icon to open it. Navigate to the Class Notebook you want to edit – you will see the name of the Notebook under the ribbon in the top left-hand side of the screen. Use the drop-down menu to locate the Notebook you want.

Along the top of the page, you will see tabs with your students’ school code. Hover your mouse over a tab and right click. You can now change the name of the tab to the student’s first name and last name, for example.

How To Mark Students’ Work (on the PC)

On the PC, click on Class Notebook, then click on Review Student Work. A pane will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. Select the section you want to navigate to, click Next then click the page where your students’ work is / should be. Click Next and the names of all your students will be shown. Click on the first student’s name at the top, this student’s page will automatically open and you can mark their work. When you are ready to move on to the next student’s work, just click the second student’s name on the list and their work will automatically appear.

You can insert voice /audio feedback (as above) as well as ink and highlight areas of the students’ work.

How To Mark Students’ Work (on the iPad)

On the iPad, tap on Class Notebook, then tap on the Review Student Work icon, which is the document with a blue tick in the bottom right-hand corner. Tap Review Student Work. A pane will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. Select the section you want to navigate to, click Next then click the page where your students’ work is / should be. Click Next and the names of all your students will be shown. Click on the first student’s name at the top, this student’s page will automatically open and you can mark their work. When you are ready to move on to the next student’s work, just click the second student’s name on the list and their work will automatically appear.

To mark students’ work, tap on the DRAW tab and use you Apple Pencil to digitally annotate and mark. You can add a voice note by tapping on INSERT, tapping on the page and then tapping the audio icon.

How To Change the Appearance of the Page

To change the page colour, click on View and then Page Colour. Select the desired page colour.

On the iPad, to change the paper style click View and then Paper Style. Select the desired paper style.

On the PC, to change the paper style you need to be on the desktop Windows OneNote app. Click View and then click Rule Lines. Select the desired paper style.

How To Use the Collaboration Space

The collaboration space is an area in which students can work together to complete tasks. You can use the collaboration space in a number of ways. You can set up a task which all students can access and contribute to, or you can create different tasks for groups for smaller numbers of students to access. To set up a whole class activity, simply create your task on a page in the collaboration space. There is no need to change any settings as all your students can access this page.

If you want to create different tasks for smaller groups of students, you can restrict student access to specific pages within the Collaboration space. To do this, you need to create the pages and activities in the Collaboration space first. Then, click on the Class Notebook tab, then click Manage Notebooks (a book icon). Then click the collaboration space permissions and assign your students to the specific page within Collaboration space that you want them to have access to. Only the assigned students can access the designated page.

How To Use the Content Library Section

The content library section is a place where you can put your documents which your students are able to see but they are not able to edit. This means that they are read only for the students. You can distribute pages to your students from the content library section and students can copy pages from the content library section and paste them in their own Class Notebook.

How To Use the Teacher Only Section

The Teacher Only section is a secret section that only the teacher can see, and this is where the teacher can store documents and materials which are not accessible to students. The teacher can distribute pages to students from the teacher only section when they wish to, or they can distribute them to the content library if they want to make them available to students as read only documents.

How To Ensure Students Can Write On or Type Over Documents

To ensure students can write on or type over documents that you have distributed to them the document needs to be pinned to the background. This is done on the iPad or the desktop Windows app.

On the iPad, touch and hold the document and several options will appear in a black bar at the top of the document. If it is not immediately visible, click the arrow to the right of the black bar and then tap on Set Picture As Background. This will now allow students to write on the document and to type over it.

Your students can also set picture to background on the iPads by following the same method.

In the Windows app, select the document and right click on the mouse. From the drop-down window select Set Picture As Background. If the document has more than one page or slide, you will need to repeat the process for each page or slide in the document.